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Buy gift cards!

Now you can easily buy gift cards and pay with either Visa, Mastercard or Vipps. Choose which gift card you want to buy, and after completing the payment, you will have the gift card sent directly to your e-mail. The person with the giftcard, books the experience on our website or phone.

Afternoon Tea at Hotel Bristol

A gift card for Afternoon Tea at Hotel Bristol is the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion, either alone or with someone. Enjoy Afternoon Tea in the historic surroundings of Vinterhaven and the Library Bar.

The price (NOK 605) applies to one person. You can easily add more people by pressing the plus sign below.


Deluxe Afternoon Tea på Hotel Bristol

Deluxe Afternoon Tea also includes a glass of champagne.

A gift card for Afternoon Tea at Hotel Bristol is the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion, either alone or with someone. Enjoy Afternoon Tea in the historic surroundings of Vinterhaven and the Library Bar.

The price (NOK 762) applies to one person. You can easily add more people by pressing the plus sign below.